
Thursday, December 13, 2012

She is beautiful when she wants to be
She can also be evil and ugly
She always has great advice when I need it, but not always positive
She is the one who I talk to when I just need someone to listen
She tells me that she knows the truth about me
She is joy, sorrow, love, hate
She has me wrapped around her lies
She beckons me near to tell me a secret
She shows me my father leaving because of me, the image changes
She lets me see what could have been, if I never happened
She shows me how I can change it all, make things right
She picks up the dagger hiding under her pillow, it glimmers like silver
She slowly brings it to her chest, X marks the spot
She hoists the blade over her heart, in her eyes she shows what comes next
She closes them and nods, encouraging me to continue on my own
She whispers in my ear for me to hurry and do it, but I hesitate
She turns ugly, her eyes glow green with rage
She threatens to hurt me, I don't want her to hurt me, not again
She looks me in the eyes, seeing right into my soul, all my memories
She smiles her wicked smile, one not a stranger to me
She has unlocked my mind, letting the monsters free
She wills them to return to their torturing of me
She just sits back and laughs while I scream in agony
She lied to me again, now I am finally able to see
She senses my discoveries and pauses
She is beautiful again, radiating her power
She has pushed me too far this time, my hand morphs into a fist
She smiles again, I step closer and my knuckles collide with her
She laughs as she shatters and disappears
She is gone, for now, but I know she will return
She will always find me, always control me, I look down at my hand
She has made me bleed, pieces of her embedded in my skin. Who is she?
She is the girl in the mirror
She is…me.